Il Pane Carasau è tra i più popolari e graditi pani dell’Italia, Protagonista indiscusso della cucina sarda è anche la base per numerose ricette della tradizione come il pane frattau e il pane guttiau, ma anche ingrediente base per ottime lasagne o pasticci a base di verdure e ortaggi. Molto rivalutato in questi ultimi anni, è talvolta servito come accompagnamento negli aperitivi e snack, accompagnato da salumi e formaggi. Apprezzato sia dagli adulti che dai bambini che si divertono a farlo scroccare in bocca. In pochi sanno che la sua origine è derivata dall’esigenza dei pastori di avere qualcosa di commestibile con loro nei lunghi periodi di pastorizia lontani da casa. A differenza del pane tradizionale, il pane carasau si conserva per lungo tempo.
Top hospitality in the heart of Cagliari Far from the usual hotel accommodation standards, Palazzo [...]
SPLENDID SEA, RELAXATION, NATURE AND FANTASTIC CUISINE Paradise is here at Lido Tamatete, on the l [...]
A PEARL ON THE SEA WITH MANY STORIES TO TELL On the far side of the south-east coast of Sardinia, [...]
A FANTASTIC MEDITERRANEAN DREAM FOR 25 YEARS Set among the scents of the Mediterranean scrub and t [...]
Experience, reliability, professionalism With consolidated experience in the real estate and touri [...]
An elegant invitation to Sardinian delights If after a romantic and relaxing walk in the charming [...]
A CORNER FOR ROMANTIC DREAMERS Ideal for a superb lunch or a romantic candlelit dinner under th [...]
Sardinian cuisine in a bucolic atmosphere If you like the idea of stepping back from the high life [...]
To turn the spotlight on your projects Based on the consolidated experience of architect Gianluca [...]
Your hospitality network with the acceant on Sardinian culture and tradition “Sardegna è” ex [...]
SUN, SEA AND GOURMET DELIGHTS WITH FABULOUS VIEWS In the magnificent Cala Sassari Bay at Golfaranc [...]
THE RESPLENDENT CHARM OF NATURE IN YOUR HOME Giving a soul to parks, gardens and terraces, making [...]
A PROMINENT NAME IN THE WORLD OF HIGH-END JEWELLERY Awell-established business specialising in [...]
ALL THE SEA PLEASURES The Long Beach Café, located in the heart of Liscia Ruja, the widest an [...]
SUPERB MEAT AND FISH DISHES IN EXCLUSIVE PORTO CERVO Situated in the new Marina, the Ristorante Cl [...]
Delicious food and panoramic views on the Emerald Coast In a natural setting that’s one of a [...]
A FIVE-STAR LEGEND OF MEDITERRANEAN LUXURY The Hotel Cala di Volpe is a masterpiece of elegance t [...]